CMMS for Retail & Leisure Facilities

The owners of retail and leisure facilities can use our CMMS in their large restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, to small inns and retail stores. 

FMPro not only improves your business facility maintenance, but also prevents overstocking, and waste. It assists you in improving the overall accuracy of the entire facility management and planning.

The Retail & Leisure Industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2019 to 2025. 

The information gathered by FMPro proves indispensable for facility managers. It serves as a valuable tool to enhance services, staff efficiency, informed business decisions, and ultimately overall customer satisfaction. 

By leveraging the insights provided by FMPro CMMS, facility managers can drive continuous improvement and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers.

Overall, implementing our CMMS system is a winning deal for organizations operating in the retail and leisure industry

Your business can reduce downtime by 50% by implementing our CMMS system. 

Get FMPro CMMS; an affordable and convenient solutions to easily upgrade and automate the majority of your business processes.   


FMPro: A necessity for Retail and Leisure Industry

FMPro CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) can bring several benefits to the retail and leisure industry, including:

  • Upgrade Equipment Maintenance:

Better manage and schedule your facility preventive maintenance tasks, reducing the likelihood of equipment breakdowns and increasing equipment lifespan.

  • Strengthens Safety:

Create an effective safety check and inspection plan with evidence backed data from FMPro CMMS system. 

Schedule and reduce the probability of accidents, leading to a safe environment for your staff, equipment and most importantly, customers.

  • Better Asset Management:

Work with real-time data on asset management and performance. This helps your facilities managers make factual decisions on asset purchases, upgrades, and replacements.

  • Improved Cost Management:

Your business can save up to 5-10% of its operating costs by using FMPro. By implementing our CMMS, you can effectively reduce routine operation costs in your facility.

The system helps identify areas for cost savings and enables the development of more efficient operational procedures.

Through data analysis and optimization, FMPro assists in streamlining operations and improving cost-effectiveness in facility management.

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